
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Donkey Vs Elephant...who wins the WhiteHouse!!?

It`s my take regarding the elections in US and above is the cartoon depicts strengths of both parties D & E  :-) i.e. Democratic and Republic. And the White House showing the pointer of equal strength till now...let us wait who`s turn will come..!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Food Security Vs Secured Food

In INDIA, it`s pleasing to find many kinds of food items as it is multicultural country. But Food Security has become more critical and give a big blow to the nation. On one side people struggle for Food Security where as the other side is a big doubt of availability of Secured Food.
Political cause remained as `Food Security` but mere availability of the same defined the people who lie under the poverty line retained the term `Secured Food`. Though thousand types of food available in the market, many are not in reach of the poor, middle class people under existing economical conditions. The places where food items are made using cheap raw material, low cost fuel, oils catch hold of many people who are not so rich (poor, middle class) though there is fear of health problems and such cases are more prevalent because of the inability of the governing bodies to inspect the quality foods in the outlets/ at places where such food items are made and the hygienic conditions are not being inquired or just overlooked as food makers bribe them to get quality/clean certificates in advance!
It`s the time to enact and question those bad business men who make food items and ask governing bodies to involve completely without any spoil sport.